
Finance 2nd Post

Kyle Kothari shares how a professional athlete career can pivot into a professional finance career with J.P. Morga.

If it weren’t for a ruptured Achilles tendon, J.P. Morgan intern Kyle Kothari would have been at the Tokyo Olympics standing 10 meters above a pool, intently focusing his thoughts on the acrobatic dive he was about to execute, before launching into the air in pursuit of winning a medal. Instead, he found a new world of opportunity to dive into.

Kothari, one of five athletes selected for the firm’s Military and Athlete’s internship program, has been working the past six months for Wholesale Payments’ U.K. Financial Institutions Group in London’s Canary Wharf. At the end of this month, he will resume training with Great Britain’s diving team, continuing a career that has seen him consistently ranked among the top 20 divers in the world.

The training regimen for competitive diving, he says, requires four hours a day in the pool, six days a week. While the enforced hiatus was disappointing for him, Kothari feels fortunate that he was able to participate in J.P. Morgan’s internship program, given his background as a graduate of the London School of Economics where he majored in Geography and Economics. Like all other interns welcomed to J.P. Morgan, Kyle was recognized for his attributes and accomplishments beyond just academic achievements.

The training regimen for competitive diving, he says, requires four hours a day in the pool, six days a week. While the enforced hiatus was disappointing for him, Kothari feels fortunate that he was able to participate in J.P. Morgan’s internship program, given his background as a graduate of the London School of Economics where he majored in Geography and Economics. Like all other interns welcomed to J.P. Morgan, Kyle was recognized for his attributes and accomplishments beyond just academic achievements.

In FIG Sales, Kothari supports Treasury sales managers with their clients, as they manage existing relationships in whatever needs to be done for ongoing or new deals. He also leads team meetings and keeps members up to date on initiatives.

His ability to perform under pressure is evident, “I’m much more resilient and unlikely to crack under pressure,” he finds. Having dealt with a potentially career-ending injury, the experience gave him much more confidence in his own resiliency – a valued quality to have in a banking environment, especially in a sales role, where the team works weeks on a deal that might end up not materializing.

Since he has also competed in synchronized events, where two divers perform as if in unison, he’s experienced how valuable it is to collaborate and to give and take criticism gracefully if one of the team fails to perform the dive flawlessly. “If it’s your partner, it’s best to acknowledge the difficulty and how it could have just as well have been yourself who missed the dive,” he says.